
Mantas Arasimavičius


Legal regulation of the games of chance is quite new in the Republic of Lithuania. The first law that legalized games of chance and set the rules of this kind of business was enacted only in 2001. However, experience nowadays shows that Lithuanian nation more often began to face social problems arising from the dependence of people on the games of chance, their morbid urge to play these games. Naturally one may become concerned, whether the Law of the games of chance of the Republic of Lithuania ensures sufficient protection against the development of the dependence on the games of chance and sets forth adequate means of certain prevention.
Aiming to reveal the chosen hypothesis, possible reasons and premises of the dependence on the games of chance are analyzed in this article. All these reasons were brought into three groups of biological, psychological and social factors.Many scientists at one associate biological factors of dependence with two major areas: genetics and neurology. Genetic reasons stimulate heritable dependence upon the games of chance. What regards neurology, these premises of dependence upon gambling are most often related with human hormone disorders, particularly with neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine).
The psychological factors most often described as reasons of pathological gambling, generally are described as comorbidity, personal character of the gambler and stress. Particularly high correlation was found between dependence upon gambling and other mental disorders, including dependences upon alcohol, drugs, etc.
Currently major social factors that were distinguished as reasons of dependence upon gambling are: age, sex, culture and nationality, public attitude towards gambling, gambling access, influence of technological progress. In this particular context, the established security measures, met in the Gambling law of the Republic of Lithuania or in practice, are extracted and evaluated, how they correspond with above described reasons of dependence. In fact, there are only few effective measures in the Gambling law of the Republic of Lithuania at all, and those which are present can better be described as purely bureaucratic rather than really effective. Finally, the “social” concept of the protection of society against the negative impact of the games of chance, applied in the Confederation of Switzerland, is analyzed. Regarding the said above, taking into consideration the formal limitations set forth in Lithuanian Gambling law, we try to encourage the Lithuanian Parliament to notice the Swiss model or just to fix some legal institutes of the current law to ensure the minimal standards of protection of Lithuanian nation.

