
Ieva Deviatnikovaitė


Public Administration Law of the Republic of Lithuania defines four branches (fields) of the activity of public administration institutions: 1) administrative regulation, the supervision of the implementation of administrative acts; 2) administrative services; 3) administration of public services; 4) interior administration of public body. Today, however, it looks as if the public bodies exercise more functions than those above mentioned. Moreover, they are not mentioned in the Public Administration Law, i.e. entering into administrative contracts with other public bodies or with private persons, or the application of the means of administrative impact.
The lecturer analyzes the essence of the categories such as – public administration field, functions of public administration subjects, subjects of public administration, and means of administrative impact.
Analyzing the real functions of public administration institutions it is obvious that one of the fundamental activity fields is the means of administrative impact. According to the author of this article it must be mentioned and characterized in the Public Administration Law of the Republic of Lithuania.
This article explores the implications of the limits and the essence of public bodies functions through the practical examples of the activities of public bodies to execute the means of administrative impact. The author of the article emphasizes two natures of the means of administrative impact – negative and positive.
So, to conclude, the answer to the question put in the essence of the hypothesis could be answered as follows: Public Administration Law of the Republic of Lithuania defines four branches (fields) of the activity of public administration institutions: administrative regulation; administrative services; administration of public services; interior administration of public body. But analyzing the real examples of the activity of public bodies it is obvious that one of the fundamental activity fields is the means of administrative impact. And it must be defined in the Public Administration Law of the Republic of Lithuania.

