
Aušra Tartilaitė


In every country constitutional law is especially important because of its place in the hierarchy of law and the special consolidation of the law rights, and because it controls the legal relationships in the society’s daily life. One of the most important institutes of the constitutional law is the human rights law. In every democratic country each person has the constitutional right to freely choose a job and business, also the opportunity of safe and healthy work conditions. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania guarantees the safety of the employee’s health and life, where full details are reasoned according country‘s law acts – Labor code, Employee safety and health law, Resolutions of government. The importance of employment is amplified in many documents of international law, i.e. human rights documents of the United Nations, conventions and recommendations of International Labor organization and others. A number of European Union directives also are dedicated to regulation of safe and healthy working environment.
The article addresses the government’s responsibility for safe work conditions. The statistical data presented demonstrates that the dominant reason of accidents is unsatisfactory work organization – not according to the instructions of safety and health, lack of professional training and a casual approach to the safety instructions by workers themselves.
The article discusses other constitutional rights which are related to the safety at work, i.e. the right to adequate conditions of work and recreation, the right to a fair compensation for the work performed. When analyzing the problem of safety at a work place, it is necessary to address the differentiation of working conditions and employees’ psychophysical characteristics, which are identified in the law. This principle helps to enhance protection for special employees: pregnant women, employees who are work under dangerous conditions, disabled persons and others. The article touches on the topical issue of responsibility in the labour relations because the violations of law can lead to negative results.
The article seeks to disclose the meaning of the notion of life safety and health of work in the Lithuanian legislation and international legal acts. For this purpose logical, analytical, systemic analysis and analytical – critical methods are applied.

