
Audrius Bitinas


This article describes the problems and the tendencies of the Lithuanian pension system model. The aim of this article is to analyse its status and perspectives. Another aim is to analyse the Lithuanian funded pension system proceedings and consequences and to make recommendations on how to enhance the Lithuanian pension system guarantees, adequacy and sustainability.
In the first part of the article the Lithuanian pension system model is analysed. This model has been created on the basis of the model of the Continental European pension system model, with some elements of the pension system models of Eastern and Southern Europe. The recent funded pension system reform has introduced elements of Anglo-Saxon pension system model.
The second part of the article deals with the topical issues of the pension system reforms in Lithuania. The Lithuanian National Report on the adequate and sustainable pensions strategy 2005 points out that an average social insurance pension (having indispensable pension record) in 2005 was only 45,8 percent of a total average net salary. 2003 pension system reform was financed by the State social insurance fund; it means that the problem of social insurance pension replacement rate remains acute. The European Commission Report on the adequate and sustainable pensions strategy 2006 suggests that the main problems of the European Union states are the ageing society and higher life expectancy; thus, pensions expenditure is growing. Funded defined contribution pension schemes managed by the state can not be considered as part of the social protection system also. Lithuanian 2003 funded pension system reform partly reduced guarantees, sustainability and adequacy of the social insurance pensions.
The third part of the article presents the perspectives of the Lithuanian pension system reforms. After the funded pension system reform, the independence of the state social insurance fund from state budget has decreased. The state social insurance pension system creates higher social security and social solidarity than private funded pension schemes because of the goal of social insurance pensions – to ensure that the pensions are adequate. The adequacy of pension system could be achieved by raising social insurance pension guarantees.
Persons must be informed about pension rights. Only after professional investigation of received information a person has a possibility to make the correct choice between pension systems. The state pension system which is not based on social insurance must be modified into supplementary benefits system based on the merits. The state pension system can not exist as a part of social insurance system. A person has to have a right to decide whether to receive a state pension or a state social insurance pension.
An independent permanent institution having the function to evaluate the pension system reform projects or its progress could enhance the management of the pension system. This institution could be based on the social partnership.

