
Pranas Mierauskas


Traditional agri – environmental measures (schemes) have been used in many countries. European Communities established the joint programmes which have been implemented since 1992. Agri – environmental measures aimed to maintain or promote environmentally – friendly farming, including biodiversity conservation. After 10 years of implementation of these measures, several researchers in some EU countries carried out investigation and assessed effectiveness of agri – environment measures. Assessments in different countries revealed that the measures have been implemented in ineffective ways since they have been focusing on farmers’ participation, but not on results and outputs. Meanwhile biodiversity - friendly farming aims on farmers’ practices outcomes and outputs, but it is not attractive to farmers due to additional requirements for farmers. Engagement of farmers in biodiversity - friendly farming depend on different social and economical aspects in certain countries. It was conducted interviews with Lithuanian farmers concerning willingness to participate in biodiversity – friendly farming. The results discovered that farmers are not willing to participate in the programme not only to social and economical barriers, but also to insufficient understanding of biodiversity conservation importance.

