
Brigita Kairienė


One of the major changes that are associated with discussions regarding a child's situation in a family and in society, beginning with [] the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the United Nations Organizations, is that the child became an independent legal subject. However, despite legal changes related to the child's status, aggressive behavior of parents with their children remains an urgent problem. The solution of the problem requires a systematic approach to the issue. The problem is that there are not any universally agreed upon definitions and criteria for describing the phenomenon and evaluating the expression of the nature, incidence and extent of the phenomenon.
Different ways of defining the concept of a child makes it difficult to assess the child's legal status and to actively participate in implementing and protecting their rights. The concepts used in different contexts define different stages of a child's life and the application takes on different meanings. The conceptual definition of a child is not sufficient in defining the period of a child's legal protection—in describing the concept of a child by indicating the maximum limit of a child's age—however, the beginning of a child's age is not indicated.
Various concepts are used to denominate the aggressive actions of patents, and they reflect a certain characteristic of the phenomenon that is under scrutiny. To distinguish between aggressive and non-aggressive actions, the definitions of the concepts have two main criteria: purposefulness and harm. To assess the actions of aggressive parents relating to the child, the intention to harm is not a relevant criterion. Assessing the criteria of the behaviour of aggressive persons meaning to inflict harm should include facts on the inflicted harm, and the risk of harm to the child.

