
Daiva Petrėnaitė


Gender identity is important for each person’s life, because the true selfperception of gender identity opens the way to self-realization within the social environment. However, there has been no attention to this theme in Lithuania, it is a relatively new and therefore analysed less. The aim of this article is to analyse the concept of gender identity and problems with legalization in modern law. The study revealed that the concept of gender identity is not only limited to physical human sex, but it allows looking into a person’s internal perception of their own sexuality. The Lithuanian language has no precise English term for “gender” definition, so they try to use the concept of “social gender”. Moreover, the term “gender” possesses a multitude of definitions within the English language and could be described as relating to family, physical and / or social male or female existence, psychological and / or social aspects of gender identity and so on. International legal documents do not specify the prohibition of discrimination based on gender identity, but some norms (about status) are recommended in the interpretation of it in a broad aspect by officials. This illustrates that the influence of non-traditional policy plays a higher role in modern society. It should be emphasized that the importance of gender identity not only allows public consideration and the creation of types of ‘declarations’, but also with public perception of the situation in facilitating educational activities.

