
Yakov Gilinskiy


Crime prevention is one of the elements of the social control over criminality. Social control over criminality is one of the elements of the system of social control.
Crime prevention is understood as such influence of a society, institutions of social control, individual citizens on the factors of criminality, which result in reduction of criminality and/or leads to desirable change of its structure and to prevention of potential crimes. The idea of the crime prevention is much more reasonable, democratic, liberal, progressive than punishment and reprisals.
But how much is crime prevention realistic and efficient? According to criminal law, about 100 per cent of all adult population are criminals. Who whom will “prevent”? Prevention is first of all the influence on the factors of crimes. Who can state today that he knows these factors? We have no data about efficiency of existing programs of crime prevention. There is serious danger of degeneration of prevention in the infringement of the human rights.
But prevention is always better than repression post factum. The set of measures of primary, secondary, tertiary prevention should as a whole improve social conditions, create more human atmosphere, to protect specific person, to rescue potential victim from possible encroachments.

