
Larisa Belyajeva


Under the influence of new, humanistic approaches to offences by judicial reforms in 1864 in Vilenskoy region, just as in the whole Russian Empire, public was turned to problems of struggle with criminality, first of all juveniles’.
The first step in this was to separate juveniles from prisons where they endured a punishments together with adults. This required establishing special institutions for juveniles. The establishing was started in Russia in 80s of the 19th century. Vilenskaya Town Duma on 19 November 1883, resolved to build a reform school for juvenile delinquents. Creation of colony was wholly a deal of public initiative, mainly figures of judicial and prisons departments; also, they were conductors of judicial reforms. Donations were made for a considerably long time; the colony was opened on 26 September, 1890. It was established for boys sentenced by court for correction. Here children were taught; they mastered a craft, their life was daily organised on a certain order.
Serious requirements were applied to personal qualities, training of employees. This was stated in the Instructions for Employees. This document by its content exceeds all known similar documents of that kind.
In Vilenskoy region, other measures were also undertaken; they were directed to struggle with juvenile delinquency. However, wars stopped their development.

