
Dmitriy Šestakov


1. Legal rules possess a certain organizing principle which is greatly important in nowadays crisis Russian conditions of “transition period” for insufficiently initiative population who has got accustomed to depend upon the command from the top. Criminological legislation (laws and other legislative acts which in total form juridical basis of control of criminality) may be divided on criminal legislation (legislation which contains criminal law rules) and criminological legislation in the narrow sense of the word, which regulates activity which prevents committing the crimes but does not connect with application of criminal punishment and other measures of criminal repression.
2. Criminological legislation in the true sense consists of the following six groups of legal rules which accordingly regulate: 1) criminological policy; 2) resocialization of criminal contingent of population; 3) prevention of crimes commited by minors and youth; 4) victimological prevention of crimes and social help to victims (victimological legislation); 5) activity of subjects of social control of criminality; 6) control of financial activity and also of turnover of certain things: drugs, drastic substances, weapon and ammunition, cultural and historical values, currency and others – which especially often become objects of crimes.
3. Russia needs changing of Criminal Code principles and goals (functions) of punishment in such a way which regards as of paramount importance compensation of injury to the victim and preventing the offender from commiting further crimes.
Also it is greatly desirable to pass the Basis of Russia legislation about social control of criminality and according to it systematize, remake (in ideal, codify) criminological legislation in the true sense and, in order to develop it, to pass a number of laws, in particular, about control of family violence and youth criminality.

