
V. Malkov


The Russian system of the Interior is the central institution carrying out crime prevention activities. It is provided with sufficient juridical and actual potentials. Prevention activities process is based on the following principles: legality, social justice, humanity, comprehension, individual approach, timeliness and preventiveness.
The trends of improvements in crime prevention implemented by the Russian system of the Interior are: general, individual and victimologic preventiveness; the use of preventive potentials related with criminal-procedural, criminal-executive and administrative legal basis; co-operation with society, political parties and movements, religious confessions and mass media; advancement of human and material resources and development of research, organisational, methodical, information and material-technical spheres.
Conclusions: Crime prevention is one of the preventive trends to combat criminality. The development of this sphere is an exceptionally important factor in the decrease of crime rate in Russia. It plays a crucial role in the implementation of prospective social and economic objectives of the country.

