
Albertas Čaplinskas


This paper presents an overview of legal aspects of the Information Society, especially, the role of the governments and new law regulation problems. It considers also what impact has for lawyers new information technology and artificial intelligence.
The paper suggests that law can support Information Society formation processes or to be the obstacle for such processes. It is necessary as soon as possible to break the monopoly of telecom and to liberalize the market of integrated services. It is also necessary to establish the legal status of electronic documents and solve legal problems in order to protect documents and data in computer networks. It is especially important to avoid the split in the society into skilled professionals and “computer unliterate” people which are unable to work and even to live in new conditions. This problem is a great challenge for Government. The Government has responsibility also for solving other legal regulation problem which hinder to form Information Society.
Lawyers must change their work style too. Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an important role in this process because the legal knowledge is very complex, formalized in great degree and legal reasoning is logically based and uses precedents. AI can be helpful in order to conceptualize and to compare different law theories. It enables to use computers in knowledge management and can support the legislative engineering processes.

