
Antanas Butavičius Antanas Janušauskas


Daily routine, feeding peculiarities as well as sleeping habits and experience of stresses of Kaunas Police Faculty students were investigated in this work.
With the help of standartized questionnaire of person examination, 276 students – 99 girls and 177 boys (99,3 % of all Law Academy of Lithuania Kaunas Police Faculty students) were tested during 1998-1999.
When the students’ living conditions, daily routine investigation was made, we have determined that they are not favourable to health in many cases: two thirds of students are living in hostels, 11,6 % are renting rooms and only 26,2 % are living at their homes. Students allot up to 12 hours per day for studying, they haven’t got spare time enough – 2-3 hours a day. According to statistics, girls allot more day time for knowledge mastering and independent learning while boys allot more time for their leisure. The tested girls go to bed later, comparing with the boys, nearly two thirds of girls go to bed after midnight when two thirds of boys go to sleep before 11 p. m. Only every tenth student does everyday morning exercises. More than a half of the students spend their leisure time going in for suplamentary sports. Many of students eat irrationally: they usually have meals 3,3 times a day. Just 39 % of the girls and 67,4 % of the boys (p<0,001) eat breakfast, dinner and supper usually. According to statistics, eating frequency is different between males and females (p<0,001): if girls have meals 2-3 time a day more frequently, boys have meals 4 and more times. The habits of meal timetable of the girl-students are worse than boy-students, from the point of view of health. Such a disbalanced daily routine is the reason which may cause the poor feeling of the students: only 8 % of students don’t feel themselves tired after working day. Students experience many stresses (situations, causing many troubles and many stresses) – only the third part of students (37,8 %) indicated, that they had no stresses during the two weeks period (correspondingly: 27 % of the girls and 43,8 % of the boys (p<0,01).

