
Grażyna Kędzierska


In 1997 new Code of Criminal Procedure was voted, which came into force on September, 1st, 1998. The changes referred to many acts in connection with legal proceedings; but regarding to an examination they were small. The examination is the act in connection with legal proceedings. Law of criminal proceedings marks the bases and legal conditions of this act. Forensic science states tactical rules and technical means of examining. Examination is the whole system of proceeding based on settied norms named called rules. During the examination, three periods named stages are distinguished and in the most important from them – two phases (static and dynamie). Organisation of examination involves:
– designation of the method of carrying out;
– recovering, numbering and preserving traces;
– description of the location of traces and other objects.
The process and the results of the examination must be described in the „Official Record of Examination”. The aim of every examination is to record the appearance of the scene of crime and to secure the evidence material for court.

