
Szymon Kubiak


This article is based on the assumption that Directive 75/129 EEC often creates problems for the Member countries’ jurisdictions and for the European Court of Justice which are very similar to those caused by the Polish Act of December 28, 1989 on collective dismissals. I have come to this conclusion after consulting many publications concerning this topic, and also after researching the jurisdictions of the ECJ, particularly in cases such as: Commission of the EC v. Kingdom of Belgium (Case 215/83), Rockfon A/S v. Specialarbejderforbundet and Denmark (Case C-449/93), Commission of the EC v. UK of GB and Northern Ireland (Case C-383/92 and C-382/92), Commission of the EC v. Italian Republic (Case 91/81), Dansk Metalarbejderforbund and Specialarbejderforbundet and Denmark v. H. Nielsen & Son, Maskinfabrik A/S, in liquidation (Case C-248/83) as well as the relevant rulings of Polish Supreme Court.

