
Genovaitė Babachinaitė Vygandas Paulikas


This article consists of comparing research of social development and crime rate in Lithuania in 1918–1940. During this period registered crime in Lithuania increased till one fifth, or 20 percent, more due to unemployment and the World Economic crisis in 1933. The main structural features of crime in Lithuania were similar to other European countries, especially in Scandinavia, because of its village society character.
Another comparing research of social development and crime rate – the period of so called „developed socialism” economy and totalitarian rule of society in Lithuania and later – Gorbachev’s „perestroika” in 1960–1990.
During the period in 960–1988 registered crime rate became two times more. The crime activity of rural inhabitants was 1,5–2 times as less as urban areas inhabitants in Lithuania. After 1988, from 1989 till 1995 (1996) – the „jump” of criminality in Lithuania occured. During these eight years period crime growth was 3,5 times more.

