
Anatolij Golovko


The article Interrelationship between the state and the church. The new approach analyses the problems that occur in the relationship between the state, a human being and religion. The focus is laid on the expression of the freedom of conscience in modern society.
The disparity between the freedom of conscience and the freedom of belief is emphasized. On the basis of historical experience the author names the aspects that mark these two categories. He states that the identification of these two notions stimulates the negative practice of the relationship between the state and the church. Special attention is devoted to the experience of the Republic of Belarus. The experience of Belarus is being analyzed from historical, legal and practical aspects.
Finally the author provides with the conclusions that the reassurance of the freedom of conscience is the only way to normalize the relationship between the state and the church making them more identifiable and cooperative. The quality of such relationship can be achieved only in a democratic state.

