
Inga Kudinavičiūtė


A lot of relations have been newly regulated by the new Civil Code, which came into force on the 1st of July, 2001. The greatest alternations involve matrimonial and family relations. There is no separate code of The Matrimonial and Family Code left as such. The latter norms are included into the Third Civil Code book titled „Family Law”. This article discloses only several problems of the new Civil Code. Norms relating to the rights and duties of family members suggest a few contradictions to Constitution of Lithuanian Republic and are incompatible with the other standards of Civil Code. Thus, our special attention is given to the following questions: 1) the parents’ agreement on the support of their minors; 2) form and size of such support; 3) cohabitation – relations between a man and a woman living together without having their marriage registered; 4) marriage dissolution by the request of one of the spouses; 5) marriage realization by religious license; 6) children’s rights. Previously listed norms are analyzed for being put into practice and improved progressivelly. Besides, we have also tried to review certain standards of foreign countries as well.

