
Rokas Uscila


The article analyses an instilment and application of victim-offender mediation programs in some of the Scandinavian countries such as Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. It reveals an individual practice of each of the country, leaving apart general theoretical reasoning about restorative justice bonding all of victim-offender mediation programs.
The practice of those countries was chosen not randomly: a)Scandinavian countries have unique practice of an instilment and application of victim-offender mediation, which is closely connected with the society itself, historically settled traditions, customs, etc., b) all those countries are integrated into already four years effectively functioning Nordic Forum for Mediation, c) there is predominating opinion that victim-offender mediation, its idea, started mainly in Norway, d) victim-offender mediation in Sweden and Denmark is still in „primary“ stage of instilment, that is very actual for Lithuania, e) author studying in Sweden had a great opportunity to familiarize with mediation programs functioning in reality with variety of problems of their implementation and application.
The structure of the article is not random. Though victim-offender mediation has a lot of general trends, the transference of experience is observable, but differences are quite visible in order for author to present an analysis of every country separately.

