
Edita Gruodytė


The author of this article using comparative method of study analizes how in the European Union countries are regulated the variuos aspects of narcotic drug crimes. It is looked more precisely what position the countries of EU took regulating such questions as the use, possession of drugs, illegal trafficing in narcotic drugs and their clasification. The author analizes Lithuanian criminal laws too - the ones in force now and the newly accepted Criminal code which is not in force yet - the aim of it - to see how and if they reflect the positions of EU laws.
The aim of the article - to look at different EU countries’ positions and evaluate, how unified policy is in the EU countries and look if Lithuanian laws conform to EU laws and position.
The positions of EU countries are analized using the last three Conventions of United Nations organization (1961, 1977, 1988), because the all European Countries are the participants of these Conventions and by joining them obliged to fulfill their regulations.
The statistical information which is given in the article is taken from the European Monitoring Centre. After analizing the positions of various European Union countries the author makes the conclusion that there are differences in the EU countries while regulating the questions of criminal amenability for disposition of narcotic drugs but those differences are not essential and that it is natural because the international documents give the basic principles and guidances while the incorporation of them into national legal system is left to the discretion of the participating countries.

