
Vytautas Gaška Robertas Veršinskas


On the base of two–year examinations and investigations of students physical culture program for the first–year students of the Police Academy and its' methodical structure had been prepared, approved and put into practice. In the program for the general physical training 58 hours are allotted (for development of tenacity – 32,2 percent, for development of force – 22,4 percent, for development of quickness – 20,7 percent, for development of dexterity and flexibility – 20,7 percent). For special physical training 94 hours are allotted (for punching and blocking acts – 14,9 percent of the total time, for defense against punches – 42,6 percent, for releasing, throwing, helping acts – 23,3 percent, for keeping off and checking – 19,2 percent). The first and the most important task of pedagogues of physical culture in the Police Academy is upbringing the conscious need of the students to have high-level physical readiness, to evaluate changes of physical state and to determine ways of it correction. The second task is to teach them to be in training systematically, to improve their professional and conditional preparation, to develop certain skills, deterring tined movements, improving physiological power taking into account particularities of the profession.
Physical training of students of Police Academy is versatile and complicated process consisting of interdependent components: learning of physical exercises, development of physical particularities, formation of professional skills and creative application of them in professional activities of policeman. The presented methodic, will help the professional apprehension of the essence of physical training of students of the Police Academy, influence of physical exercises upon health and development of students.

