
Alvydas Šakočius


The article deals with the presentation of new identified problems affecting the process of implementation Community Policing in Lithuania. The findings are also useful for the future police activities planning in the European Union.
The main concept of the paper is composed of the statements, which identify the necessity of integration of the different policing practices and experiences of the involving Communities into the security affairs in neighboring European countries. Therefore, some negative processes, which were met in Lithuania, have great possibilities for migration around Europe. In the sphere of policing the phenomenon of the self–regulations within the poor communities was identified. In such communities objectively manifested security needs could be satisfied rather by illegal structures (by providers of substitutive police services) than by public police. In the sphere of Communities’ formation an important conclusion about the specific transitional content of the ownership, which is most important for the integration, is presented. In the society in transition first of all the concept on development of ownership have to be disseminated. In the sphere of future development of Community policing experience of common public officials training is described.

