
Vidmantas Egidijus Kurapka Hendryk Malevski


Since 2001, the researchers of the Law University of Lithuania jointly with the colleagues from Vilnius University and Forensic Institute have been carrying out a complex research according to the research program “Dynamics, Prognosis, Control Trends of Criminality and Modern Conception of Criminalistics”. This program continues the scientific research of criminality problems of the 1994–1997 program, taking into consideration social, economic and other processes within the state, analyses the problems of criminality and its influence to the state processes at a new level and by integrating knowledge of different social sciences.
The aim of the program is to thoroughly and objectively analyze the problems of crime investigation, to develop the modern conception of their investigation, to prepare recommendations based on scientific research and suggestions on how to accelerate the legal reform in Lithuania, make criminal justice more effective and increase the results of crime investigation.
The article focuses on the realization of the second trend of the program “Modern Conception of Crime Investigation and Its Criminalistic and Procedural Assurance”. The research of this trend is structured into closely interrelating theorems and applied themes.
While implementing the scientific research of all these themes it is essential to take into consideration both the aspects of future criminalistic development (strategy of criminalistics), dynamics of criminality (prognostic aspect) and achievements of crime investigation technique and achievements of other sciences that could already be applied in the practice of crime investigation. It is essential to assure effective crime investigation by using criminalistic means, to develop perspective criminalistic tactics and methods. Besides, in preparing criminalistic recommendations, it is necessary to take into consideration the changes in criminal and criminal procedure laws, which is also very important for the improvement of tactics and methods and creation of new methods.
The expected research results could be characterized as follows:
- The fundamental basics of the development of criminalistic science in Lithuania;
- The applied basics of criminalistics, as the discipline ensuring the functions of crime investigation, research methods and scientific practical recommendations for the investigation of new crimes (economic, corporate, commercial, banking etc.) are being prepared;
- Modern prognostic conception of crime investigation in Lithuania (procedural and organizational aspects);
- Drafts of laws and suggestions to improve the laws of criminal procedure, scientific expertise of other developed projects, scientific practical recommendations for law enforcement institutions to optimize crime investigation and increase its efficiency, analytical generalizations, scientific informational reviews, dissertations, practical methodical recommendations and textbooks;
- Scientific and methodological recommendations for instruction (studies) and practical special knowledge application programs for specialists who are prepared at the Law University of Lithuania, participants of qualification improvement courses, staff of law enforcement institutions;
- Technical provision for law enforcement institutions and programs for mastery of criminalsitic knowledge for different groups of officers.
After carrying out the envisaged research, the new applicable practical conception of criminalistics is planned to be created and on its basis the recommendations of crime investigation, that will be important for the improvement of fight against crimes. The findings of the program will be especially useful for justice institutions (police, prosecution offices, courts, security and special services), to some non-criminalistic justice institutions that carry out the pre-trial investigation (tax inspections, customs and other departments).

