
Tatiana Vitalievna Averjanova


The article determines actual problems of the criminalistic theory and practice that have arisen of late. Theoretical problems are considered within the general criminalistic theory’s limits. One can also notice attempts to broaden criminalistics’ bounds as well as to extend its subject. The author also studies problems of the system and language of criminalistics and possibility of broadening of the criminalistic tactical limits by widening it with the tactics of defence. One can mention among the problems of the criminalistic techniques problems of the “field criminalistics”, an increase of the efficiency of criminalistic calculations, a need to perfect the means of search and investigation, a problem on revalue of graphology means, and set up means that are able to provide us with the information about criminal attempts. There are the following problems in tactics: a problem of psychological intensification in the criminalistic tactics by use of reflex games; problems on tactical decision taking and the problem of taking tactical risks, etc. The following problems attract attention in the field of criminalistic methods now: problems of existence reality for criminalistic description of crime; investigator’s activity programming – on the investigation stages, – on the crime kinds; algorithm-making of separate criminalistic methods, etc.

