
Alvydas Šakočius


The paper deals with the examination of the influence of international integration to the development of police sciences in Europe. The research interests cover interaction between police practice and police education, and police research in the context of European integration.
The proposition about the specific role of the international practices in the development of the police sciences on the national level is taken as a background for the examination. It is because applied social sciences, which have close interlinks with the practice, traditionally were described as a national dimension. Long time international importance of the social sciences was evaluated on the criteria of the universal adoptability of the recommended solutions. In such circumstances the universal social sciences i. e. politology, sociology, management were formed. However, in nowadays, pragmatic nature of the European integration stipulate inter- and multi-disciplinary researches, which caused new scientific interest-based platforms for the future co-operation. Networks of the researchers or research institutes are a result of such development. It means then, that development of the social sciences is entering to the new phase, during which applied social sciences will be universalised through the unification of the research methodologies. Moreover, applied social sciences will be directly influenced by educational needs, based on the idea of Common European Area of Education.
In this context social preconditions of the development of police science in European Union could be identified as follows:
1) Acceleration of the movement of people and goods, and finances, which change the attitude to the authorised national-based institutes;
2) Acceleration of movement of information, which change the ratio of recourses, used for the implementation both public and individual interests;
3) Increasing of the property differences on the national and international levels;
4) Enlargement of the spectrum of individual needs. It decreases the ability of public authority for the proper identification of the medium possibilities.

