
Rainer Schulte


Social, economical and political processes in Europe and World determinate the new conception of the human welfare. Globalization, Eastern Europe accession to the democratic states makes a great influence upon the internal politic of all the states.
Extremely grave changes proceed in the administration of the Eastern states, therefore activity of statutory services, including police, is essentially changing. Police in the Eastern states is more orientated to commit executive functions. Integration into the culture of Western Europe requires more officers which should be demonstrating potential in presentation, co-ordination, integration and innovation or the ability to be “visionary”.
A great influence upon adopting the heritage of Western culture falls on police training institutions. The existing huge impetus for change brings with it consequences for content, didactical methodology and organization of learning. Therefore the article deals with ten issues that appear while training modern officers. The solution comes to the general purpose: police should be the guarantor of human rights and the state governed by the rule of law.

