
Hendryk Malevski Eglė Latauskienė Snieguolė Matulienė


The development of criminalictic science and studies in Mykolas Romeris University showed, that Mykolas Romeris University became the main centre of criminalistic science and studies in Lithuania. Solving the state objectives of preparation of law enforcement specialists, this centre manages coordinate strategical tasks of Lithuania integration to European structures with pragmatic objectives of science, studies and law practice.
In point of common context of studies the Master thesis is synthesizing multiprofiling specialist maturity indicator. The research analyses one of the most actual problem of preparation of high qualification specialists - preparation of Master thesis.
Practice of such works preparation of last decade let us enough objectively to research all process of the main chains of Master thesis preparation, to evaluate established practice, to show the advantages and disadvantages of preparation of thesis, to forecast of development.
The target of this research - to establish the level of Master thesis of criminalistic science, objects of such researches, work methods and practical-applied aspects of criminalistic science, that reflect in Master thesis of students.
The first Master thesis in Criminalistic department started in 1994-1995 m. m. During that years eight Master thesis were prepared and successfully defended. Postgraduate students choosing parts of criminalistics science for their researches, accented dynamic indicators of raising criminality, tried to analyse separate criminalistic tactical aspects of pre-trial investigation actions, to establish crime investigation methodise. Master theses of first year were pointed to research of common problems.
During last decade (from 1994-1995 years till 2004-2005 years) in Criminalistic department 250 Master thesis were prepared and successfully defended.
Practice of Master thesis preparation and defence in Criminalistic department shows, that postgraduate students had first problems with choosing of title of Master thesis. Postgraduate students for choosing of tendencies of their researches considerate different demands. But the wish and demand of implementation of criminalistic recommendations in direct practice work was the main cause among postgraduate students (63 %), who chose the field of their researches in our department.
Preparation of Master thesis in criminalistic - is the complex teaching method, the purpose of it is develop the students relation skills of knowledge of criminalistic, penal procedure, penal law and others sciences and implement it for solving practice problems, both coordinate theoretical and practical aspects of research problem.
We can see the certain perspectives of preparation of Master thesis, that will have influence for prioritised scientific researches of department, for creation of criminalistic recommendations. We are going to create the groups of several postgraduate students and to offer them to complexically research the one common field, that will be comprehensively actual, involves different Lithuanian towns, regions, international and Lithuanian pretrial investigation aspects, the forms of special knowledge implementation and criminalistic opportunities.

