
Michail Cymbal Ella Simakova-Jefremian


An article analyses and evaluates research activities of prof. Bokarius N. S. Institute of Forensic Expertise Research (further ChTEMTI). ChTEMTI is one of the oldest public research institutions in Ukraine. The institute as well as other experimental institutions of Ukraine Ministry of Justice, performs not only experimental, scientific methodological activities, praxis but also research in the sector of forensic expertise while establishing new theoretical and methodological provisions and improving old ones. Analysis of the research activities in the Institute is performed under methodological requirements, which are published in the scientifically reviewed works for analysis theory of forensic expertise. Performed activities are evaluated according to the relevance of research topic, evidence, singleness of objective, choice of optimal goals, contemporary consideration of forensic expertise, creative achievements, usage of knowledge of natural, technical and other sciences.
In 2004 ChTEMTI performed 29 scientific researches according to the research plan of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice, and 7 researches according to the individual plan. 13 researches were successfully completed in 2004 and the results were published in 62 publications. Also two scientific books, two manuals, annual volume of papers “Forensic Expertise, Theory and Practise of Criminalistics” were published. ChTEMTI is one of the founders of that annual publication.
One of the major researches in the Institute is “Theory, Methodology, Normative Regulation, Organisation of Complex Forensic Expertise Research”. The results of the research will be implemented while developing theory and methodology of forensic expertise, and used as theoretical data for establishment of research new methods. 2004 saw the completeness of few researches accomplished by new methodological recommendations in such sectors as authorship, hand-writing, documentation technical approach, ballistic judicial, trasology expertise, also vocabularies of non – power gun, exploding material, exploding devices and footprint, phonoscope expertise terminology were prepared. The Institute also performs relevant and significant researches in such sectors as biological, forensic chemical, psychological, technological, economic, goods expertises and other forensic expertises.
While evaluating the performed researches of ChTEMTI it should be stated, that the research activities are planned, organised and implemented taking into consideration major methodological requirements which influence the essence of scientific research and general structure in the sector of forensic expertise.

