
Violetta Kwiatkowska-Darul


Legislative regulation concerning the issue of interrogation creates the general scope of the one of the most important actions, next to the examination, during which the information from personal evidential sources is obtained. In some procedures there are regulations which expressis verbis point out the necessity of modification of the interrogation, thereby enacting particular forms of the interrogation. For instance, the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure regulates six situations, in which the interrogation takes on the particular nature. Here they are:
• the confrontational interrogation of two persons – the confrontation (art. 172 C.C.P.),
• the interrogation concerning material evidence (art.173 § 1 C.C.P.),
• the interrogation of the incognito witness (art. 184 C.C.P.),
• the interrogation with an expert physician or psychologist’s participation (art. 192 § 2 C.C.P.)1,
• the interrogation of the expert witness (art. 200 § 3 C.C.P.),
• the interrogation through an interpreter (art. 204 C.C.P.).

