
Marzena Anna Wasilewska


An examination of writing on purpose to identify pathological alterations of writing and writing’s language is of great significance in the criminal process. However such examination hasn’t any purpose to find out features of any kind of illness that can be found out according to separate pathological alteration, because several kinds of illnesses can influence similar alterations in the structure of writing. The alterations of similar forms of writing that are conditioned by various illnesses can appear of influence on alcoholic intoxication or oncological illness.
The appearance of pathological alterations of writing and writing’s language in the examining paper can also be a symptom of pathology that will have an influence to origin of this document. Finding out of writing’s pathology can give a ground to begin medical examinations of document’s author.
On purpose to find out the features of mental illness of text’s author it is essential to do an analysis not only of writing’s structure but also of document’s content. Only content of text in comparison with normal writing often can give a suspicion that author of text has a mental disorder. It is very essential that if an illness or a mental disorder just according to analysis of pathological features of writing’s structure is found out rarely that a suspicion of mental illness on the ground of analysis of content and language of text can be made oft. Thus an analysis of text’s content and language of document is very significant and if it is possible it must add to each examination of writing.
The article also analyses the pathological alterations of writing that are often presented in written text and the features of language and content of text that can be considered as symptoms of mental illnesses.
The author of article points out in which situations, on which circumstances and how is possible according to features of language and content of text to identify mental illnesses, that could be ill an author of text.
The article is divided into two parts. First part deals with pathological features that appear in the structure of writing. Second part analyses pathological features of language and content that appear in the written texts.

