
Krzysztof Maksymowicz Jakub Trnka Janusz Markiewicz Hanna Maksymowicz


Non-lethal weapons are originally meant to overpower a man for a short time, not causing any injuries of the body or any other health hazards. Thus, the bullets used in non-lethal weapons are described as non-penetrating. Yet, practice shows that the above assumptions are not always fulfilled and there are cases of gunshot wounds caused by non-lethal weapons when bullets or their parts penetrated the body. The authors of this report conducted experimental computer tomography (CT) examination of rubber and plastic bullets used in non-lethal weapons. Those bullets were attached to the surface of the abdominal cavity of the examined person. The results of the experimental examination proved that CT is, to some extend, an effective method of diagnosing gunshot wounds caused by non-lethal weapons with rubber bullets. Yet, to make those bullets evident in CT examination the parameters of the examination need to be corrected. The application of CT examination does not lead to the demonstration of little plastic bullets.

