
Vilma Sakalauskienė Redas Davidonis


This article analyses padagogical and scientific activities of one of the famous Lithuanian specialist of criminology and criminal procedure professor’s Eugenijus Palskys and influence of his works on the criminology development in Lithuania. The article shows the influence of E. Palskys works on the further development in criminology. Analysis and assessment of particular professor’s E. Palskys works also the influence of his works to the development in criminology are the main topic of this work.
The article briefly overlooks the professor’s E. Palskys way to science, the formation of his scientific views, the main thoughts and theses of the dissertation „Fixing of material evidence (methodological, procedural and criminological problems) provided. Further his scientific interests in criminology have been analysed. Briefly reviewing researches of the professor in criminology history, technology areas, an attempt was made to reveal his influence on criminology science development in Lithuania.

