
Marzena Anna Wasilewska


Some texts are easy to interpreter, and some of them are difficult to interpreter, but an Interpretation of any text must consider all its elements: sentences and their parts, punctuation signs – their type, position or the absence. A very important matter is the interpretation of notions occurring in the text. It is a very delicate issue because quite frequently it requires the knowledge of the author’s situation, education and interests.
Historical texts are especially difficult to interpreter, some of them are cause numerous problems due to their ambiguity. In the case of historical texts, additionally, the author’s times and the social and cultural environment should also be considered. All this requires a great amount of both work and learning, a very frequently context in which they occur, which the interpreter should be aware of.
An example of the type of texts which causes many difficulties in interpretation and requires a great amount of work following a complicated process of interpretation are the famous centuries by Nostradamus, 16th century astrologer and physician from Salon. Casting aside their controversial value as prophecies, that the four – line centuries are small literary masterpieces. They testify to the author’s talent, who presented his visions of the future in four – line pieces, using rich symbolism proving his profound learning. Nostradamus was a very well educated humanist and one of the most outstanding personalities of his age. He knew history, geography, mythology, astronomy and ancient languages. Therefore, his centuries, precisely woven from phrases, formulae and notions, may only be understood by someone of equal education and culture. Interpreting Nostradamus’s texts has become a kind of intellectual game for learned men, but each of those interpreter uses his or her own techniques of interpretation. Therefore, there are no identical interpretations of the same texts and the only way of judging their plausibility seems waiting until the prophecies are fulfilled. In the meantime, however, we may look at the different authors to see what the art of interpretation consists in and how the arguments are justified.
In this article has been presented the interpretation of a verse 97 of the Second Century. This interpretation have caused many controversies.

