
Nadezhda Cirkun


The article deals with the specific features of victimization and violence in the field of family-domestic relations. With the help of the projective methods, the author investigates the perception and understanding of the situations of violence by women. Four stages of violence and the role of the aggressor and the victim with whom women are identifying themselves are revealed in the research. Conclusions are made on the necessity of the law “On the Eradication and Prevention of Violence in the Field of Family-Domestics Relations”, on the development of the gender, juvenile and gerontovictimology. Fragments of the text of the possible draft law on the prevention and eradication of violence in the field of family-domestic relations are provided.
Violence is the coercion, subjugation, life under oppression. Violence is the suppression of free will expression. The individual, exposed to violence, loses his will and is deprived of his rights.
The right as the psychological notion – power, force, will, and freedom of actions within the conditional limits granted by somebody or recognized by a custom. Hence, to rule is to control, to give instructions, to command, to head, i.e. to put into effect the free and responsible will expression.
Both males and females are in possession of the will, i.e. they both are capable of setting the conscious goals and put efforts in the process of their achievement. And for that – to specify the sense of life.
A problem exists that ruins the family from inside – these are crimes and offences of the law, committed in the family itself. One of the social methods, with the help of which the dependent member of the family (frequently it is a female) is forced to take the subordinate position is violence. Violence is the way of socialpsychological interaction where the subjects participating in the communication take the positions of the aggressor or the victim. These are interlinked positions, since the aggressor and the victim may reveal the essence of their relations only being in a pair with one another.

