
Tomas Rudzkis Artūras Panomariovas


The issue studied in the article concerns insurance crime. In order to reveal the content of this conception there are features of insurance analysed, concepts of insurance nature as well as notions of insurance met in various literature presented, definition of insurance is formulated. The authors restrict themselves to disclosure of conception of risk-based commercial insurance leaving unstudied insurance relations in the field of state social insurance or compulsory healthcare insurance, since this approach is more appreciated from the criminological point of view when relates to analysis of insurance crime. Otherwise the conception of insurance would be too abstract and, consequently, the results of criminological research regarding the causality of crimes in question as well as establishment of tendencies of insurance crime prevention would be less efficient and functional.
The article also provides for the review of conception of insurance crime found in literature. There is also stated that no one of those do not properly reveal the scope of illegal activity observed in the field of insurance thus prohibiting from comprehensive criminological analysis of this issue.
The authors have analysed the topic and came to the following conclusions. Insurance should be defined as an aggregate of closed relations of redistribution among participants of those, when the purposive fund is being populated from monetary contributions reserved for possible payout or compensation.
The scope (conception) of insurance crime should cover all intentional illegal activity committed with mercenary incentive, which infringe insurance relations violating proper functioning of insurance system, preventing from realization of insurance functions, undermining confidence of institution of insurance or otherwise causing losses to the participants of insurance relations.

