
Rasuolė Vladarskienė


Analysis of influence of formal requirements for choosing language means and perception of the text that are defined in the documents regulating development and official registration of legal acts is being presented in this article. Goal of the article is using descriptive analytical method to determine what influence the rules of formulation of legal acts have on expression of legal act language. It happens often that formal requirements of developing the legal acts force to create much extended constructions of difficult structure that are hard to understand. Considerations on how formal requirements and language expression could be reconciled, so the legal act is clear, precise and easily understandable is being presented in the article. Extended names of documents are provided as examples.
Much extended, long names are being constructed in order to get extreme precision, and they become to look like sentences since they are being extended by homogeneous elements, different attributes, exceptions, and even contain secondary components of sentence. It is necessary to shorten such names because they do not serve the function of the name, and it is difficult to read and understand them.
Structure of regulatory documents is also being considered; it consists of standard syntactic model which forces to find a conclusion on how to link directed actions into a simple syntactic chain. Syntactic models of different sorts of regulatory documents vary. Decisive words nutaria, nusprendzia are syntactic center of narrative part of decrees and resolutions, and connectivity determines the structure of this part. Semantics of decisive verb, though, is being weakened because of stereotype structure of the document, and in addition to that, graphic means weaken links between the verb and it’s infinitives, and the paragraphs of decisions and resolutions can be formulated with more flexibility, but the language norms and elementary logic is being violated in the texts of order documents if syntactic connections are not being considered.
Requirements on form have direct impact on language expression: sometimes it requires large text to be inserted into sentence model, and sometimes it implements a function of text connection means and facilitates perception of the text.
Requirements of language, law, and logics should suit in the legal acts. Although the legal acts are specific field of use of language, their language should be such that the legal act is not only precise but also is easy to perceive.

