
Ignas Vėgėlė


This article analyses legal regulation of recognition of qualifications in the European Community (hereinafter – EC) law. Diploma recognition for academic purposes and recognition of qualifications for professional purposes is distinguished and thorough investigation is devoted to the latter. The article emphasises the importance of the definition of “the regulated profession” in the system of recognition of qualifications in the EC law. After revealing the substance of the definition the article analyses the most important EC legal acts in the sphere of recognition of qualifications. The article brings the system of those legal acts as well as the most important stages of their evolution, i.e. amendments and replacements, analyses the newest legal act of the EC in this sphere – Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications.
The article reveals the influence of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to the development of the system of recognition of qualifications in the EC. The important judgements of the Court are analysed, emphasizing the significance of the legal regime of fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the EC Treaty to the system of recognition of qualifications in the EC law.

