
Linas Belevičius Raimundas Jurka


The current article, under the analysis of materials of scientific literature or the provisions of Lithuanian and foreign criminal procedure laws, international laws, the analysis of the law-enforcement officials’ survey data and the analysis of materials of archival criminal cases, mainly focuses on the proposals for wider using of audio and video transmission equipment while the procedural actions are performed. The amendments of Criminal Procedure Code are suggested in this article as well. Basically the article mainly polarizes the research on the performance of current procedural actions, i.e. interrogation, confrontation and identification parade during the pretrial investigation and the trial stages.
The authors of this article go entirely by the results of the anonymous survey that was performed in participation of the judges, prosecutors, pre-trial investigation officers (overall 254 respondents) and by the analysis of the materials of 148 criminal cases. The interdisciplinary nature of this article was determined by the comparison of Criminal Procedure Code to the draft amendments of Civil Procedure Code.
The analysis, proposals and conclusions defined in this article may be held as the instrument to improve the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code and practical activity as well.

