
Genovaitė Babachinaitė


This article describes criminological conception of violent criminality and contemporary indicators of violent criminality in Lithuania.
The expression of violence in our society and state is researched. The way of indication of violence in the Criminal Code of the Lithuanian Republic has been researched as well. In this Code the violence against person is indicated in many articles, but in the majority of all those – only as a component part of manner of committing crime.
That’s why the author of this article creates criminological conception of violent criminality. Two important and obligatory elements of the conception of violent criminality are indicated: 1) violence as manner of committing crime, and 2) the purpose of the crime is specific consequences of this crime; the person’s criminal activity is directed to realization of this purpose. According to these two elements (criteria) of the criminological conception of violent criminality, the main crimes, belonging to that kind of criminality are: murders, serious bodily injuries and rapes.
The criminological discourse as for conception of violent criminality has been researched. That’s why the conceptions of violent criminality given by other scientists in countries neighbouring the Lithuania are analysed.
The next main part of this article is devoted to research the main tendencies of violent criminality in Lithuania. To concretize, the main tendencies of murders, serious bodily injuries and rapes during the period from 1930 till nowadays in Lithuania have been researched. Those crime altogether create only 1.5 percent of all registered crimes in contemporary Lithuania. Among all registered violent crimes, one third part belongs to murders, serious bodily injuries creates up to 40 percent, and rapes – up to 25 percent. The registered number of murders in Lithuania from 1994 till 2006 decreased by more than 40 percent; serious bodily injuries – 12 percent, and the registered number of rapes from 1994 till the reform of criminal laws (2003) was stable. After that, the registered number of rapes during 2003–2006 suddenly doubled, but during the mentioned period remained stable on that level.
The main contemporary peculiarities of registered murders, serious bodily injures and rapes in Lithuania have been discussed.

