
Elena Vaitiekienė


The Constitution of the Argentine Nation, drafted in 1853, is one of the most stable and longest-lived in the world (following the constitutions of the U.S., Belgium and Norway), undergone little change since the first constitutional reform of 1860. Later amendments have also been adopted in 1866, 1898, 1957 and 1994. The Constitution of 1853 remained at least nominally in force under the military regimes that seized power in the course of the 20th century, withstood all political and economic crises that took place in Argentina during the 19th and 20th century. In this respect, we could state that the creators of the Argentine Constitution succeeded in finding flexible instruments of legal regulation of the state governing and the possibilities for liberal legal interpretation of the Constitution; it may be thanks to this reason that the Constitution was safeguarded from failure during the periods of dictatorship and at the same time adapted for the then political situation.

