
Janina Balsienė Daiva Maksvytienė


Biomedical researches with humans are performed in order to improve the diagnostics of disease, to gain better treatment results, to discover better means of prophylactics and to deepen the knowledge about the genesis and course of the disease. The majority of diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic procedures in medical practice and especially in the clinical researches are related with risk for human health impairment. Ethical and legal framework of scientific biomedical researches becomes a part of modern science. Helsinki Declaration (HD) – the document that is considered to be the main source for establishing the basis of legal and ethical protection for participants of biomedical research. This important international document was passed by the World Medical Organisation in 1964 in Helsinki and is recognised to be the continuation of the Nuremberg Code which induced the world society to deepen their knowledge in ethical and legal regulation of human research.

