
Julija Kiršienė Natalja Leonova


The article examines the problem of compensation for the value of lost opportunity at the pre-contractual stage. It has been determined that such measure of recovery depends on the nature of pre-contractual liability. However, although the Supreme Court of Lithuania recognizes the possibility for the aggrieved party of pre-contractual negotiations to recover the value of lost opportunity, the motivation of the Supreme Court’s decisions is too incoherent. Moreover, Lithuanian courts have not yet adopted any methods of awarding and calculation of the damages. The conclusion of the analysis is that in cases of breach of the general obligation of good faith in pre-contractual negotiations, the Supreme Court of Lithuania allows the recovery of lost opportunity, i.e. awards delictual damages. The same motivation applies even in certain cases where there is a possibility of broadening the scope of pre-contractual liability by applying contractual damages.

