
Mindaugas Kiškis


The article analyses the legal regulation of electronic marketing in the European context. The historical and teleological perspective on past and present regulations of electronic marketing is provided. Emphasis is given on the ability of the legal rules to preserve the balance of private and entrepreneurial interests, and the desirable principles of
the regulation of the socially beneficial electronic marketing. The paper concludes that the harmonization of legal regulation of electronic marketing at the European Union level is limited, which causes numerous negative consequences, such as jurisdiction shopping. Some countries (e.g. Finland) follow opt-out regimes for at least some types of electronic marketing, while other countries (including Lithuania) prohibit most forms of electronic marketing without the prior consent of the customer (opt-in). Thus, further regulation and harmonization of the electronic marketing law is suggested at the regional (the EU) and national level, along with more self-regulation and a balanced approach towards future regulation.

