Atkreiptinas dėmesys, kad pagal nurodytą šabloną parengtas straipsnis siekiant užtikrinti anonimišką recenzavimą į OJS įkeliamas be visų aukščiau išvardytų struktūrinių dalių. Asmeninė informacijos dalis turi būti pateikiama atskirame autoriams (-ių) identifikuoti skirtame dokumente.
Straipsnis rengiamas pagal šabloną Microsoft Word programa, Times New Roman 12 pt raidžių dydžio šriftu, eilutės 1,5 intervalu, iš visų kraštų 25 mm paraštės. Straipsnio apimtis 31 680–47 520 spaudos ženklų su tarpais; mokslinių recenzijų – iki 39 600 spaudos ženklų su tarpais. Atskiru redaktorių kolegijos nutarimu gali būti leidžiama spausdinti ir didesnės apimties mokslinius straipsnius ir recenzijas. Puslapiai numeruojami.
Paveikslai, schemos, diagramos, lentelės, nuotraukos pateikiamos straipsnio tekste. Nuotraukos turi būti tinkamos reprodukuoti kokybės. Paveikslų, schemų, diagramų, nuotraukų pavadinimai nurodomi jų apačioje, lentelių – viršuje, numeruojami eilės tvarka.
Atskirame lape (OJS sistemoje prisegamas kaip papildomas dokumentas) pagal šabloną pateikiami duomenys apie autorių (-ius): vardas ir pavardė, atstovaujama institucija, adresas, autoriaus einamos pareigos, telefonas, elektroninio pašto adresas, pagrindinės mokslinių tyrimų kryptys. Taip pat nurodomas mobiliojo ryšio telefonas, kuriuo autorius (vienas iš autorių) tiesiogiai bendraus su redaktorių kolegija, kalbos redaktoriais, vertėjais.
Kiekvieną straipsnį recenzuoja ne mažiau kaip du redaktorių kolegijos konfidencialiai paskirti recenzentai – aktyvūs mokslininkai, iš kurių bent vienas turi būti ne redaktorių kolegijos narys.
Po recenzavimo autoriai redakcinės komisijos nurodytu terminu pateikia atsižvelgiant į recenzentų ir redaktorių pastabas pataisytą galutinį straipsnio variantą su visomis aukščiau nurodomomis struktūrinėmis dalimis. Straipsnį priėmus spaudai autorius (-iai) pasirašo sutikimą jį publikuoti.
Po straipsnio priėmimo spaudai, autorius (-iai) turi pateikti redkolegijai pasirašytą sutikimą dėl straipsnio publikavimo (pagal pateiktą formą ).
Pateikiant rankraštį yra patvirtinama, kad autoriaus buvo laikomasi aklojo recenzavimo užtikrinimo taisyklių.
The aims of Mykolas Romeris University research papers’ publication Jurisprudence – to initiate scientific dialog between legal professionals and academics of Eastern and Central Europe in order to consider the main challenges their legal systems are facing in the transition period towards Western legal order. The emphasis is put on the reception of modern legal thought, Western legal tradition and the implementation of European Union law.
This quarterly periodical reviewed scholarly collection of publications Jurisprudence publishes articles of all fields of law (legal philosophy, legal history, constitutional, international, European Union, civil, administrative, commercial, labour, finance, tax, biolaw, and criminal law, civil, criminal, and administrative procedure law, criminology, criminal investigation, legal informatics, forensic medicine, and others) on theoretical and practical legal problems, reviews of scholarly monographs and other scholarly publications.
Jurisprudence publishes original and previously unpublished scholarly articles, written in Lithuanian, English, German or French. Upon a separate permission of the board of editors an article may be published also in a different language.
Article structure:
The title of an article;
Name and surname of the author(s);
An institution (scholarly or other) the author(s) is representing: its title, address, telephone, email;
The date of submitting the article to the managing editor of the board of editors of Jurisprudence;
Introduction. It should address the topicality of the topic of the article, identify the purpose of the scholarly analysis, its object, applied methods and prior coverage of the issue;
The main text of the article – the analysis of scholarly research. It is recommended to divide the text into parts and subparts (e.g. 1.2.1., 2.2.1., etc.);
The article should be finalized with conclusions summarizing considerations or solutions – substantiated results of the research and recommendations should be provided;
The main text of the article - the analysis of scholarly research. It is recommended to divide the text into parts and subparts (e.g. 1.2.1., 2.2.1., etc.);
The article should be finalized with conclusions summarizing considerations or solutions – substantiated results of the research and recommendations should be provided;
All sources referred to in the article should be provided in the list of bibliography at the end of the article. The bibliography should follow the conclusions in an alphabetical order. References in the main text should be made in footnotes, numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers, at the bottom of each page providing the bibliographic references of the cited source. It is advisable that the authors use newest scholarly sources (published in last five years) and at least five of them should be published in publications included in recognized international data bases. The rules and examples on drafting the bibliography and inclusion of references in en main text could be found here
Annotation (extent from 200 to 400 symbols with spaces) in Lithuanian. The annotation should briefly present the content of the article, identify the main issues analysed. Foreign authors should submit annotation of the same extent in English. Editorial board organises translation of annotation to Lithuanian;
The keywords (5–8 main concepts);
An article should be followed by a detailed summary (2200 symbols, i.e. at least one page long) and keywords in English. The summary must reflect all issues analysed in an article, its conclusions and recommendations. The title of an article in capital letters above the summary, then author(s) name and surname, institution of employment and its address should be provided;
The information about the author(s) is provided in Lithuanian and English: the name and surname of the author, scholarly names and degrees, an institution the author represents, position, and research fields.
Submission of articles
An electronic version of the text of the publication and information on author(s) should be submitted through OJS system (Open Journal System): http://
The authors should present an electronic version of an article, written in Microsoft Word application in Times New Roman fonts, size -12 pt. The manuscript should be 1,5 spaced on one side of an A4 list of paper, margins at least 25 mm. The article should be 12-18 pages (approximately 45 600 symbols), scholarly reviews should be 2-7 pages (approximately 20 000 symbols), the pages must be numbered. Upon a separate permission of the board of editors, a longer article or scholarly review may be published. Author(s) indicates the date of submission;
Information on author(s) should be provided on a separate page: name and surname, place of employment and its address, number of the work and mobile telephones, fax, email. This data is necessary to ensure the direct and operative communication of the board of directors, scholarly reviewers and employees of the Centre of Publishing (editors, editors-translators, and layout editors) and the author(s). In case there are few authors, the person responsible for communication with the board of editors should be indicated;
Pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables and photographs should be presented in a separate electronic media. Pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables and photographs printed at the place of reference in the text. Large graphic files could be placed at the top or the bottom of a page, or at the bottom, fully stretching across the page. The width of the pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables should not be over 84 mm (per column) or 175 mm (per page). The best suitable formats of graphic files: Tagged Image Format File (TIFF), Word for Windows, Codel Draw, Excel.
Photographs (colour and monochrome) must be of good quality, sharp and suitable for reproduction. Pictures, schemes, diagrams, tables and photographs are numbered in an alphabetical order. Titles of pictures, schemes, diagrams, and photographs are indicated at their bottom, and titles of tables are placed at the top;
An article should be reviewed by at least two active scholars appointed by the board of editors; at least one of the reviewers should not be a member of the board of editors. The reviewers are appointed confidentially. The author(s) must correct an accredited article in accordance with the commentaries of the reviewers and editors or provide a substantiated explanation, why they have not been incorporated. The corrected version of an article in electronic format should be provided to the board of editors not later than in two weeks after the reception of the review.
Copyright Notice
Authors contributing to Jurisprudence agree to publish their articles under aCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public (CC BY-NC-ND) License, allowing third parties to share their work (copy, distribute, transmit) and to adapt it, under the condition that the authors are given credit, and that in the event of reuse or distribution, the terms of this licence are made clear.
Authors retain copyright of their work, with first publication rights granted to the Association for Learning Technology.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.