Focus and Scope

The aims of Mykolas Romeris University research papers’ publication Jurisprudence – to initiate scientific dialog between legal professionals and academics of Eastern and Central Europe in order to consider the main challenges their legal systems are facing in the transition period towards Western legal order. The emphasis is put on the reception of modern legal thought, Western legal tradition and the implementation of European Union law.
Jurisprudence publishes original scholarly articles in various fields of law:
• Legal philosophy, theory and history,
• Comparative law,
• Constitutional law,
• International law,
• European Union law,
• Civil and Civil procedure law,
• Administrative and administrative proces law,
• Environmental law,
• Criminal and criminal procedure law,
• Business and labour law,
• Finance, banking, corporate and tax law,
• Biolaw,
• Criminology,
• Criminal investigation,
• Legal informatics and etc.

Peer Review Process

An article should be reviewed by at least two active scholars appointed by the board of editors; at least one of the reviewers should not be a member of the board of editors. The reviewers are appointed confidentially. The author(s) must correct an accredited article in accordance with the commentaries of the reviewers and editors or provide a substantiated explanation, why they have not been incorporated. The corrected version of an article (printed and in electronic format) should be provided to the board of editors not later than in two weeks after the reception of the review.

Papers submitted to Jurisprudence are subject to peer review to maintain the standards of the journal, promote rigorous research within the field of learning technology, and to offer authors constructive feedback on their submissions.

Manuscripts are sent out for review electronically, and all correspondence takes place via e-mail. Although the peer review process is accelerated by the use of electronic communication, traditional, high-quality peer-review standards are applied to all manuscripts submitted to the journal.

Jurisprudence has a 'double blind' review process: Authors are not told who reviewed their paper, and referees do not know the name of the authors whose papers they review. The peer referees’ identity remains unknown to the authors.

Peer reviewers are asked to give their opinion on a number of issues pertinent to the quality and suitability of a paper, and to judge papers on grounds of originality and importance. We pride ourselves on providing constructive and formative feedback to authors.

Reviewer Guidelines Reviewers of Research in Learning Technology are asked to consider the following points during their evaluation:

  • Does the paper have clear aims and objectives / research questions that can be achieved within the scope of a Research in Learning Technology journal paper?
  • Does the paper make a contribution to knowledge?
  • Is the work suitably grounded in the literature to justify its contribution and frame the analysis/evaluation?
  • Is the research/evaluation methodology justified, clear and appropriate? (including ethical considerations / approval where appropriate)
  • Does the analysis/ evaluation have a clear flow and logical argument?
  • Does the analysis/evaluation link to an appropriate discussion and conclusions?
  • Is it presented in a way which is suitable for Research in Learning Technology’s international audience?

Peer reviewers will have five possible options, for any paper:

1. Accept manuscript (i.e. no need for any revision)
2. Accept after revision (i.e. accepted if the author makes the requested revisions)
3. Revise and resubmit (i.e. accepted or rejected after revisions have been made - paper will be sent out for another peer review round)
4. Reject manuscript (i.e. if the manuscript is not sufficiently developed for publication)
5. See comments (i.e. if the reviewer cannot choose from any of the above)

In addition, papers may be returned to authors by the Editors prior to review, if judged to be out of scope, out of the limits of the word length guidance or not sufficiently prepared for publication.

To facilitate rapid publication, authors are given a maximum of 6 weeks for revision. After 6 weeks, revised manuscripts will normally be considered new submissions.

Publication Frequency

All articles to Jurisprudence are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication. All articles will be assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) whereby they become searchable and citeable without delay. Articles will also be collated into issues which are printed quarterly.

Open Access Policy

Open access
Jurisprudence - Print ISSN 1392-6195; Online ISSN: 2029–2058 - is an Open Access Journal. University retains copyright and publishing rights, but license ALT to publish their work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public (CC BY-NC-ND) License.


Articles will be published online immediately after the final corrections of the master proof have been made, and in print grouped in an Issue. Articles are assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) for citation and other purposes.

Publication fee
Currently publishing in Jurisprudence is free of charge. In other words, there are no article submission or article processing fees.

Sources of Support

Leidinys nebus prenumeruojamas iki 2014 m. birželio mėnesio, įgyvendinant LMT Projektą „Periodinių mokslo leidinių leidyba“ projekto kodas VP1-3.2-ŠMM-02-V-02-002 (veiksmų programa – VP1 Žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtros veiksmų programa; prioritetas – VP1-3 Tyrėjų gebėjimo stiprinimas; uždavinys – VP1-3.2 Padėti didinti tyrėjų skaičių ir mažinti jų amžiaus vidurkį Lietuvoje; priemonė VP1-3.2-ŠMM-02-V Žinių apie mokslą ir technologijas gilinimas ir sklaida tarp mokinių ir jaunimo bei lyčių lygybės moksle skatinimas; kvietimo teikti paraiškas arba patvirtinto sąrašo numeris – 02).