
Anrijs Kavalieris


The article deals with question are the criminalistics one of subsection of jurisprudence (science of low).
At first in article has shown solving of that question of Latvia, where in accordance with argumentation and detection of science’s council criminalistics is one of subsection of jurisprudence. In the same way question had solved almost in all Eastern Europe countries.
Farther article gives analysis of situation in that connection in USA and Germany where this question is solved in different way.
In USA and other English-Language countries term “criminalistics” almost does not used. In mentioned countries are using terms “forensic science” and “criminal investigation” which relations with jurisprudence are unclear.
In Germany is proposing a special bloc of “criminal sciences” consists from “jurisprudence’s criminal sciences” – as a criminal law, criminal proceeding law and “non jurisprudence’s sciences” – such as criminology and criminalistics. The rest of them are not teaching in law faculties, but in police education institutions only.
In final part of article with regret has resumed that Law faculty of University of Latvia accepted mentioned Germany’s experience and cancelled criminalistics from compulsory disciplines. Yet more, recent accepted standard of layers profession does not demand understanding even common knowledge about criminalistics, aside from abilities to find, fix, evaluate and use proves. As well article shows scientific groundlessness, dangerousness and negative consequences of that point of view.

