
Svetlana Usova-Kurbanovienė


In the article The Concordat of the Lithuanian Republic and the Holy See, 1927 (Lithuanian Concordat) is researched by from the legal scientific point of view of Mykolas Romeris.
This research discloses factors that influenced the formation of his scientific position on this issue: 1) scientific interests – the ideas of the democratic Legal State, statehood, civil society, liberalism and constitutionalism, as well as his conceptions of social joinings, legal status of the Church and the reform of civil registry in Lithuania; 2) facts of individual biography (1909–1945), connected with the problems of registry at the time when Lithuanian Concordat was valid (1927–1940) and 3) professional activities of M. Romeris in the State Council (1929 –1931). The argumentation of scientific position of M. Romeris, Official Opinions of the State Council on application of the norms of Lithuanian Concordat, legal aspects of the problem of monopolic church in Lithuania and the scientific analysis, presented in the article – are integrated into a united conception, classified and reflect the scientific position of M. Romeris on Lithuanian Concordat. The position is radically negative, but competent and confirmed by science.
Arguments that defined the scientific position of M. Romeris are explaining by violation of the essence of the Law from the point of view of the contemporary concept of Law – the disbalance between rights and duties of sides of the Concordat, expressed by: 1) the determination of dominant position of the Church over the State; 2) wrong distribution of the competence between the Church and the state; 3) the absence of mechanism of influence of the State: 4) the dominant position of one of confessions – Lithuanian Catholic Church – at the result of supreme position of the Concordat (above “the general order of the State” and the National System of the Law). In the context of developing of the contemporary concept of Law in Lithuanian Science of Law, M. Romeris may be estimated by like a leading scientist (XX).
By words of M. Romeris, Lithuanian Concordat is an anachronism, base don medieval traditions of principals of relationships between the State and the Church. The scientist was agree with action of the Concordat in large and strengthful States, but he was cathigoricaly against it in the Lithuanian Republic during the time of forming of it stateness and democrasy. The only one way to liquidate the harm that have been done (atificialy created conflicts in country; an alienation of main function of the Church and in relationships of parishioners and the clergy, a politisation, a fight for an authority in the State, ets.) and menace (from the side of “States, interesting in Lithuanian territories“), on M. Romeris‘s opinion, was the discontinuance of Lithuanian Concordat.

