
Vladimiras Andrejevas


The article deals with the issues of drug addiction and preventive measures taken in the Republic of Lithuania. There are two main areas of activity:
1) training of State Border Guard officers as the people to be able to take drug addiction preventive measures based on their future service and residential place;
2) prevention of drug addiction among the pupils of Kaunas City schools and gymnasiums using human and tangible resources of Mykolas Romeris University Kaunas Police Faculty.

Description of the first area of activity indicate ways of officers training and the way it is related to drug addiction prevention.

It is noted that relevant facilities are provided by the Police Faculty to ensure high performance. There is quite a big Drug Museum, case with drug specimen, video films, posters, etc.

The second area of activity points out educational-preventive measures taken by the lectures that are meant for the pupils of Kaunas City schools and gymnasiums. The activities are based on fair, mutual co-operation between lectures and pupils. The pupils are given the facts of drug addiction reality and they are on their own to make conclusions about the possible effects. During the sessions all the visual aids of the specialized premises are available.

It must also be noted that in Lithuania drug prevention is regulated in the order fixed by a number of laws. To this end, different state and public institutions have been founded. The state has allotted funds amounting hundreds of thousands in Litas, unfortunately, the rate of drug addiction is increasing.

For the conclusions the article sets forth a few recommendations for drug prevention among the young. They are as follows:
1) interaction within small groups of pupils;
2) interaction shall be mutual and of daunting nature;
3) interaction shall employ all the means available;
4) interaction shall take place in specialized properly equipped classes and it must be supervised by highly experienced professionals.

