
Jurgita Varnaitė Ramunė Sitienė


In accordance with the interdepartmental division in the laboratory of criminology of Institute of Forensic Medicine which naturally have formed many years ago, the mechanical damages of clothing are investigated in the event of the injured person is dead and the bodily injuries are investigated along with the damages of clothing. The methods of investigation of damages of clothing are widely described in the literature concerning forensic medicine; the experts of forensic medicine are prepared to investigate the damages of clothing. In the laboratory practice the experts of forensic medicine have been investigating both the bodily injuries and damages of clothing for a long time.
So there is a possibility to assess the complex influence of attributes left by the instruments and influence of analysis on the comparative and identification investigation, to compare the possibilities of fixation of features reflecting the properties of instruments in clothing and wounds on skin surface.
The article contains the data of analysis performed at the laboratory during 3 years. They show that the morphological features reflecting the constructional properties of instrument that fix on the bodily injuries in most cases are more informative and much more suitable for comparative investigation and identification of instrument (rather than the features reflecting group properties of the instrument fixed in the damages of clothing). There is a distinguished group of cases when the value of properties fixed in the damages of clothing was equal to the properties fixed on the bodily injuries. In certain cases the investigation of damage of clothing provided the extra information about the instrument that played the crucial role in judgement about the properties of instrument with the help of which the bodily injuries and damages of clothing were made.
According to our opinion the complex investigation of damage of clothing and bodily injuries is much more valuable and more comprehensive since it is based on the assessment of entirety of features of damage of clothing and bodily injuries.

