
Juozas Žilys


In assessing the current Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania it has to be stated that it expresses and reflects political legal processes and the consequences thereof in democracy development. For the purposes of comprehending the entirety of the current Constitution system, it is essential to take account of the legal, political and historical aspects of this issue. All this predetermines a more comprehensive understanding of the Constitution’s institutes and other phenomena thereof, also of the objective and subjective factors that influenced their formation. This is of major significance, since without the evaluation of the said and other circumstances, we will not succeed in finding the answer to the fundamental question, i.e. what is the genesis of the grounds of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.
This article examines the main legal political phenomena, which, in the author’s opinion, were of vital importance in the creation of the current Lithuanian constitutional system. In this context, three stages can be distinguished. The period of 1988-1990 belongs to the first stage. The principal feature of this period was the revision of the functioning political system. The second stage of the Lithuanian constitutional development is to be associated with the period of validity of the Provisional Fundamental Law of the Republic of Lithuania. This period is to be defined as a transitional one, during which the conception of the constitutional grounds of the state of the Republic of Lithuania became mature. The third development stage commenced from 25 October 1992, with the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, which is continued into today.


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